Global Mind:
© Mike Monahan at DreamsTime.com
Check out my
"Test for Christians"
Think Small or Think Big?
This will expand your mind beyond the limits of your neighborhood.
Do you like controversial issues?
Want to expand your mind?
It is time to question everything.
Vanda Grigorovic at morgueFile.com
have been used
to control you
and your ancestors!
Questions We Have Answered with Facts,
Not Opinions
If aliens could travel at the speed of light they could also remember to turn the lights off.
Santa Claus is a fraud used to control children. Religion is a fraud used to control adults.
Atoms are 99% empty space you are made of Atoms. This statement should make you challenge everything you think you know.
You are made of 37 trillion Cells 90% of which are bacteria and virus cells.
The universe makes the rules human beings don’t.
Planet earth is a killing machine as evidenced by floods fires tornadoes tsunami‘s bacteria viruses.
Species who don’t learn to live together go extinct.
Guns are ultimately about fear.
Religion is ultimately about fear.
Understanding reality can-remove the fear
For the first time in human history the answers are here.are you strong enough to accept the facts?
The human races oldest questions are what are we? Where did we come from? And where are we going?
The answer is we are the universe itself coming to consciousness.
When you understand the universe you understand there is no certainty but for humans at least that gives us some certainty.
If you’re worried about tens of thousands of immigrants, climate change will bring hundreds of millions this century
The wars of the near future will be fought over water and food not oil.
Conservatives are wired to respond to fear more than liberals. Fear leads to prejudice;guns; and wars.
We are processing machines.
Your DNA is a program, Which means you’re a program.
Religion is the Original Fake News